Tuesday, November 10, 2015

China s coal consumption is on the decline but the average still has four coal

China's coal consumption is on the decline but the average still has four coal-fired power plant approved

Photo: CFP

Thermal power generating capacity in China has significant excess however 2015 China coal power in the Central Government "decentralized" contrarian investment against the background of substantial growth.

These conclusions from November 11 report released by the international environmental group Greenpeace China in 2015 the consequences of coal, electricity and contrarian investment (hereinafter the report).

According to public information from government departments, the report points out that, in the period from January 1, 2015, to September 30, the Ministry of environmental protection, the provincial environmental protection departments have been publicity 155 EIA of coal-fired power plant project, whose total of 123 gigawatts of installed capacity, the equivalent of four coal-fired power plant every week through the Environmental Protection Department last close to start construction. In the same period last year, got the EIA approved by the coal-fired power plant project in only 48 gigawatts of installed capacity.

And this, with thermal and environmental impact assessment approval authority this year are not unrelated. Modified views of State owned enterprises was

In March 2015, issued by the Environmental Protection Department of the Ministry of environmental protection approved the construction project environmental impact assessment files directory (2015) clearly, thermal power stations, thermal power stations, iron steel, nonferrous metallurgy, national highways, cars, a large theme park project environmental impact assessment document will be approved by the provincial environmental protection department. Ministry of environmental protection was considered further deepening reform and improving approval efficiency initiatives.

Interface news has reported, thermal power, steel, non-ferrous metal smelting industry air pollutant emissions is relatively high, their environmental assessment approval authority, or local in their standard account will be caused by the project which.

China's coal consumption is on the decline but the average still has four coal-fired power plant approved

2015 1 September approved coal-fired power plant distribution maps. Photo: Greenpeace

But this time, the thermal power generating capacity, China has serious oversupply. The 21st century business Herald pointed out that, according to several research institutes predict, China's coal consumption peak mostly at 4.5 billion to 4.8 billion tons. Currently existing capacity 4 billion metric tons of coal mine, under construction at more than 1 billion tons of coal mine, also part of the illegal building coal capacity, even taking into account future eliminating backward production capacity, national coal overcapacity problems have been very prominent.

From the supply side, China's coal-fired power plants (mostly coal-fired power plants) in the past 12 months has increased about 60 gigawatts, equivalent to about 100 large coal-fired power plant units; from the demand side, the coal-fired power generation declined by 2%. And 2015 years ago third quarter average utilization hours of power equipment of thermal power plants in China fell 265 hours, which means that coal-fired electricity installed capacity utilization and reduced 8%.

The report writer project senior director Lauri Myllyvirta, Greenpeace global coal believe that coal-fired power plant expansion in 2015 is local government investment, financial systems, tripartite information misplacement of power market and investment bubble caused by sickness.

China's coal consumption is on the decline but the average still has four coal-fired power plant approved

Photo: Greenpeace

According to the State Council released in November 2014, the strategic action plan for energy development (2014-2020), by 2020, the proportion of non-fossil energy in primary energy consumption reached 15%, more than natural gas reached 10%, coal consumption control within 62%.

Rock, Zhao Ang, Director of the Institute of energy and environment interface news, pointed out that the reduction in coal consumption, is related to the current economic environment, the second is associated with other alternative energy generation.

"There are coal-fired power in the background of reduced, coal-fired power capacity you should not have a great deal of development. "Zhao Ang said in the interview.

According to the plan of action, "Thirteen-Five" is one of the main tasks during the positive development of renewable energy. By 2020, to conventional hydropower installed capacity reached about 350 million kW, wind power installed capacity reached 200 million-kilowatt, PV installed capacity up to 100 million-kilowatt per cent.

Industry experts even suggested that 2017 should stop new coal-fired power plants.

Greenpeace worried that if error 2015 coal contrarian investment decisions cannot be suppressed and amended 6% will increase greenhouse gas emissions burden, increase of 150,000 premature deaths caused by air pollution cases, increasing water resources, reduce economic efficiency of State-owned enterprises.

The report points out that, if this trend continues, more money will be wasted in the doom out of the industry, rather than boost China's transition to renewable sources of energy. This runs counter to the efforts at the international level with the Chinese Government.

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